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machines and people LKE

Laboratory of Nuclear Energy Systems - LKE

On 31 January 2021 Professor H.-M. Prasser retired. This is our laudatio:

Dear Micha

Thank you for being our mentor, supervisor, colleague and friend. We enjoyed very much working with you, learning from you, and enjoying your many high quality lectures.

The nuclear engineering master’s program is an institution which has provided a large number of talented people to the nuclear workforce in Switzerland and beyond, and that is in very large part thanks to your efforts.

This is not to forget your less-formal spontaneous talks in the office about your many interests and rich knowledge beyond nuclear. We liked being part of your lab!

All our very best wishes for the years to come and good health always!

Fiorella, Yannick, Lukas, Robert, Wentao
and all Alumni of the Lab


The laboratory was closed on 31 January 2021. It performed research in a close co-operation with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in the field of single- and multi-phase flows in nuclear power installations. Beside applied topics, studies of fundamental thermal fluid-dynamic phenomena were part of the research activities. The in-house development of novel measuring techniques was an important issue. Large-scale experiments were performed at the PANDA containment test facility of the Laboratory of Thermohydraulics in PSI. The experiments aid developing and validating codes for three-dimensional computational modelling (CFD).


Enlarged view: short-course

The Laboratory of Nuclear Systems and Multiphase Flows at ETH Zurich offers a one-week course on Multiphase Flows.

Detailed Information

Interview with Prof. H.-M. Prasser

"Nuclear safety, reliability and efficiency is of paramount importance in a country relying largely on electricity from nuclear power plants. We are extremely keen to promote this through excellent research and education."

"Besides the fascinating large-scale technology of a nuclear power plant, the strong multidisciplinary character and the safety relevance make our field attractive."

"I aim to enable students to achieve real scientific innovation that can potentially result in a conference or journal publication."

read entire interview


Enlarged view: simulation

Chain reaction simulator 

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